Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday is learning day

I figure today had to have been a learning day since I got nothing done except put out little fires and get frustrated with everything I had to do. Every project at work was incomplete when turned in to me so I had to do more research. Then I find out that the original information was messed up so it's just messed up! Grrrrr. I must've needed to learn patience today. I picked up a copy of Take Ten from the Cupboard the other day, so I spent a little time today on my breaks looking at it. I've never bought that mag before and now I wonder why not!? It's awesome. There are some really talented people out there. I'm already planning on submitting to this mag. I spent a little time today looking at the DT blogs and galleries. There are some awesome ladies on this DT! I was inspired by Claudette today. Her stuff is just amazing to me. Way to go, Claudette! I hope we can meet someday. I'd love to watch you work. :) I have to finish up a card swap tonight, and then I am going to work on my submissions for the month of June. I've got most of it done already, but I have ideas for a few more things. Johanna posted the galleries of alphabets submitted for the contest (?). There are some really neat ones in there. I wonder who will win? Whoever wins, deserves it. Those ladies are awesome! I'm feeling so distracted these days. You should see my house. Well, wait, I take that back - don't look at my house. It's like the rest of my life right now - all disheveled and disorganized. I have to get ahold of this clutter or I feel my life will spin out of the atmosphere. I have this huge room to craft in, and it's so messy (see post below) I'm working in a small 12" x 12" section of the blotter on the desk. That's pathetic. Getting up right now to clean it. Stop looking at my mess, please.

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