If you read my blog, you probably read Julie's blog, and if you do, you probably saw
her project that we did in between our classes down at Stamping Details last weekend. Isn't it cool?
When she came over that morning, she says we're going to have "class". I thought, OMG what are we going to make? Well, she gets out the current issue of Somerset magazine and shows me this project in there. I gasp. I CANNOT make that! She says, "we aren't going to make it exactly like that, we're going to interpret it our way and make it." Gasp again! She gets out this roll of HVAC metal tape and we stick it to our chipboard pieces. I'm beginning to like this... Then she says we have to write on it. Gasp AGAIN! Write on it?? What am I going to write about? She says "just some mumbo jumbo stuff", so ok, I start writing about how I used to have purple, green and yellow walls in my living room. I finish that and then we rubbed acrylic paints into the writing on the metal tape. Julie wiped off most of the residual, but I left mine on for some color.
Then we started going through miscellaneous embellishments and gluing them on. I love the bird she drew on her piece. I took one of the copies of the old postcards I have and adhered it to a piece of paper that I aged with paints. You can see the rest of the junk, um I mean treasures, I put on it. The embellishments have nothing to do with the writing. If I had been experienced I may have tied the background with the embellishments, but oh well.
I'm really liking this weird art. I say weird art because it's not my usual style. I like the freedom allowed in it. Mix and match, using all these unusual products, paints, glue, transfer mediums. I see all kinds of opportunities now. Thanks for making me stretch, Julie.
Debbie, this is so cool and I just loved reading every word of your description of how you did it. I know I couldn't do it...unless you and Julie will come over and show me? How 'bout it? Pleeeeeease?
Sorry, Jennifer...I am not allowed into Canada after an incident I was involved in during 1994.. customs...sheesh.
This looks great, Debbie! Now that you remind me, I think I may try another one!
What a wonderful project. I love the step by step of the process. Hmmmm...now I'm thinking I need some of this tape and I just came home from the hardware store...dang!
You two are quite a pair. You must have so much fun crafting together. Cool project.
This is so cool and neat! Weird art? No, this is a real art! Let the imagination go wild! I love it!
So Cool! Weird art, huh???? I must really be a FREAK, I love it!
Lol @ Julie's comment. Debbie, for the 100th time, you always amaze me with the cool and "weird" things you come up with, lady. Keep it up.
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