
So, while watching Lost, I colored. Jennifer inspired me to dig out my Terry Medaris stamps since she did such a FANTASTIC job coloring her new images. I did the cowgirl bookmark for a friend for Christmas. I love orange and purple together and she loves red. She has twin boys and when they were little they had red cowboy boots that they wore EVERYWHERE and with EVERYTHING. It was hilarious. So, back to the bookmark... I colored this for her since she reads so much. I think she took the advanced Evelyn Woodhead speed reading course cuz she reads fast! So, Pam, this is for YOU!
The door stamp is another thing. I just wanted to color something besides a person. I pretty much copied Terry's color scheme for this door scene. It helps me to do that so I get an idea of how I want to color it again using my own colors.
Done coloring and done watching Lost for the day. Hope your Christmas day was just as fun.