Here is my latest creation. I used only two stamps: the tiki birdhouse and the small flower. Colored with prismas.
All of a sudden, it seems like my card composition has changed. I'm not doing the "usual" stuff. I think I was doing the usual/expected stuff with jj stamps because that's what everyone else was doing - making bird scenes, cakes on a platter, etc. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, but I felt like I was trying to fit into someone elses mold. Now I feel so fantastic when I create something like the teacup thing. It feels GOOD to MAKE ART!
It's like, (and I'm rambling now), all my life I've tried to fit into a cubby where (I thought) everyone wanted me, but now I'm breaking out. Hell, no one else knows I'm breaking out, just me. It's great. I don't think I would've been able to do this had it not been for the DT opportunity. Really. I would've just made the same old thing and gone on with that, but now I feel like I can really do my own thing and it's OK.
Oh, btw, Cat asked me to do a class on my new "technique". The class will be called "See Something Different". I'll be showing how to make new designs with regular stamps. Join us, won't you? Wednesday, November 29th at 6:30pm at the Cupboard.
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