Then click the button up there. There are some amazing ideas there. Go to the Groups and see what categories you can plan with. There's even a template to help you plan out your letters. Sound fun? Confusing? Tempting? Click the button!
Get your butt, and your family's butts, off the couch. Go have an Adventure. Bottle your own wine. Catch a fish. Deliver meals to seniors. Elevate your feet. Fly a kite! Get the idea? There are lots of things you can do to enrich your lives over the next year by going through the alphabet.
Leave me a comment if you decide to do this. I'm really interested to see how many people join me in this endeavor. Rock on! 2010 is going to be awesome!!!!!
Now this sounds like a challenge I can take on. Fun stuff. Thanks for sharing this one, Debbie.
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