Thursday, January 31, 2008
St. Joseph
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I've got it!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rest in Peace, Cheeto
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Look ma, it's an apron!
Stuff I bought at the Expo
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mom's Little Helper
Ok, so not really a helper. I was trying to blog, type emails and catch up on things when Cheeto decided to plop his big butt on the desk and on the keyboard. He kept rubbing his whiskers on the keys - the F keys. My computer was opening windows, refreshing the screen, and just acting all chaotic. All while Cheeto purrs and looks at me like, "aren't I just the cutest cat ever? Don't you just want to pet me?" I had to agree, he did look cute there but then I saw all the cat hairs in my keyboard and I tried to make him get off the table. Oh honey, you just can't gently push a 20 lb kitty off the desk. You have to lift him with a crane. He gave me a meow and started feverishly licking his nether regions. I tossed him on the floor and he left in a huff.
I love my big tub o' goo! xoxo
Monday, January 14, 2008
Because Life Can't Get Much Funnier
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It's all about ART
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Peeps on my cat
Today is Gizmo's turn. I took Sarah's advice and put Peeps on my cat. I love Peeps. This is just a small sampling of Peeps items I own. Gizmo thinks he is special because he is a purebred Bengal, but he is just as goofy as the rest of my cats. Maybe goofier. Gizmo weights about 18 pounds and he is softer than silk. He tolerates so much from me - and the Peeps prove it. If you know anything about Bengals, you know that they are true clowns and most of them love water. Gizmo is a lot of fun to have around. He and Cheeto are not best friends, but they tolerate each other. Sometimes.
Tomorrow, I will introduce you to Frankie, the little princess. I don't know if she will tolerate stuff on her, but I will try.
Cupcake Kitty
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Look at this cool thing!

No, I did not make this.
It is the cutest thing ever. Ok, well maybe not THE cutest - newborn kittens are pretty darn cute, right?
Zip on over to the Cupboard and see what Cat made. This is the cutest board book I've seen in a long time. This project uses that cool grunge board, crackle paint and this gorgeous Basic Grey paper. Cat's done some great detailed instructions, too.
While you're there, stop by the store and check out the specials and new items. She's got a great discount for the month of January, too. It'll save you money!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Years Day cards