Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday night pea'ing
I posted three cards to 2peas last night. Take a pea'k if you haven't already. These were pretty fun to do. I'm really enjoying the justjohanna stamps. Speaking of that, I can't wait to see the new stamps she's come out with. I've seen previews, but I'm sure there are more. Did you see Cat's blog? There are postings of Johanna's stamps there, too! The owl is so very cute. Imagine Halloween.....
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Thursday = Friday!
Today is my last work day of the week so it's FRIDAY! Woo hoo! Here's a picture of a rock stack I made. I don't know why I made it, I just did.
Tomorrow, my Mom and her sister (my auntie) are coming over for brunch, quiche and mimosas, and then we are going to scrapbook! I can't wait. I am doing the happy dance. We don't get many chances to get together like this, so I am just so excited. I'll take our picture so I can share our creations.
So, as far as home readiness to sell: All flooring is DONE! The only thing left to do is paint a few door jambs and a teensy bit of touchup on the walls from the installers. Pictures next and then the sign goes up in the yard.
I debated on whether I should clean out the craft room, and decided not to do it. Hey, the rest of the house has been taken down to bare bones, and I just can't function if I don't have all my stuff in my little haven, ya know? I will make sure it is tidy, but I won't box stuff up. It's obviously a craft room, so why can't it look like one? Geez.
I spoke to Cat today, well, we emailed each other, and I believe I've come up with at least one class for August. No, I am not going to give the theme away just yet. You'll know in another week what it is and when you can sign up. I'll be doing two classes in August for sure.
Thanks, Cat, for helping me out on the hyperlink thing. It worked!
Oh, one last thing: If it's hot outside and you want a margarita, here is the best margarita recipe EVER! I got it from my sister.
Corona Margaritas
1 bottle of regular (not light) Corona
1 can 7-up (not Sprite)
1 can frozen Minute Maid Limeade
Tequila (cheap is not better)
Pour beer, soda and limeade into your serving pitcher. Pour tequila into the empty limeade container. I usually fill it 1/2 - 3/4 full, but you decide how much you want, it's not rocket science. Stir all ingredients in the pitcher. Do not use a blender!
Serve as you would any margarita on the rocks, with or without salt. This is so yummy, you'd better make sure you have enough for a couple of pitchers! Thank you, sister Donna!! xoxo

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
First Class
Tonight was my first time teaching at the Cupboard. It was a lot of fun! There were 5 people signed up, and then Linda came in and she was there on the wrong night but stayed for the class anyways. Yay! It was a bit crazy and I forgot a couple of things, but thanks to Cats' "Mary Poppins drawer" we did just fine. I learned a few things of what to do, and what not to do. I will definitely punch the holes in the chipboard next time and I will also pre-cut alot of the papers if I do a project like this again. Here are the ladies that came tonight... We had fun as we stamped, cut, pasted, glittered and ate gummy worms.

Sunday, July 23, 2006
Creative Day - Yahoo!

New Technique I learned today

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Sneak Peek!
Here's a sneak peek at a couple of new stamps by justjohanna. I just can't wait to see what else comes out new in the next few weeks. Oh my!
What a beautiful day it was today! Yes, it was HOT, but it cooled off nicely at night. Makes you feel almost normal again. We went to the Padres game and it was really enjoyable, especially since the Padres beat the Phillies 10-6. Sorry, Johanna!
I'm thinking of stopping by the Cupboard on Thursday. They're having a sale, ya know! 25% off the new Wild Asparagus and the Kaleidoscope papers! Oh, oh my!

Monday, July 17, 2006
Burning Man
When is it going to cool off? I'm getting tired of air conditioning! When I went to the doctor today it was about 90 outside, but I left my windows and sunroof open because I just couldn't stand to sit in the a/c any longer. It felt wonderful!
So, ok, I went to the doctor's today. My thyroid function is whacked out. No wonder I feel like *&%$! My meds were increased so maybe I'll feel better soon.
Elmer came again today and worked on fixing up the floors. He's done a fantastic job on the entryway and the downstairs bath so far. He's also put in baseboards and they look terrific! He is a super duper handyman! One more bathroom floor and then the kitchen floor and we're ready to put it on the market.
I have this list. An ongoing list. It's about all the things I want to do before I die. No, I'm not sharing the whole list with you, but I will share this one thing. I would love to go to Burning Man at least once before I die.
Check out the Burning Man website: What is it, you ask? Well, II'd call it a huge art project. People dress up, they create moving art, statues and whatever they consider art and they all gather in the Black Rock Desert, 120 miles north of Reno. It's always Labor Day weekend. They burn the man on Saturday. Intrigued? Check out the webpage and make sure you look at some of the pictures. They are awesome! I've been invited to go this year, but it's too close to our already-planned vacation. Next year I will go for sure! You game?

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Sunday evening
I took a picture of this sign at the car wash. Thought it looked interesting.
Well, I felt very productive today. I got Mom's computer fixed. Took awhile. Ended up re-installing Windows. Computers are a PITA.
John and I went grocery shopping. I know, BORING, but it had to be done. I think grocery shopping is the least favorite type of shopping I do, next to shopping for tires. At least he goes with me. Actually, it's better when he doesn't cuz he puts too much stuff in the basket. lol
And just so you know... As much hassle as we've had getting the house ready to sell (i.e. bad contractors, etc.) I am definitely getting the St. Joseph's statue and burying that sucker, I mean, Saint, in the backyard. I want to sell this place. Anyone interested in a 1488 sqft 3BR, 2BA, 2 story with large yard? I have air conditioning!! Tempting, huh? Talk to me, we can work out a good price....!
Also, I got invited to join in on a circle journal. How fun! I've wanted to do one for a long time now. I don't know what my theme will be yet. It's fun to think about. Can't wait to see who else is in the group.

Hot or what?
Ok, now that the weather report is over...
Yesterday I drove up to Long Beach to meet up with a couple of ladies from the PaperCrafts message board. They were lovely ladies. We had lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp place. It was so funny... when they brought us the coasters for our drinks, we immediately scooped them up cuz they were cool enough to do something crafty with, and then when they brought my lunch (fajitas) the wrapper that the tortillas came in was so cool I asked for more of that, too. The waitress must've thought we were nutty. Oh well. I took the ladies little gifts: a jj stamp in a little bag. I made a tag out of jj stamps.
After lunch, we went to the Fabric Barn. It's an old, OLD business on Anaheim Drive in Long Beach, about 4 miles from the restaurant. They had such cool stuff there. The pic with the three strands of ribbon... can't you just see that on that BG Urban Couture paper somewhere? That stuff was only 3yds/$1!
I got all that ribbon and rickrack, a few wood pieces and flowers for $38. We need to make another trip up there just for the ribbon, ladies. It's self-serve. Most of it is 3-8yds for $1!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Old photos and watercolors
I got a little crafty last night. I got the idea from Johanna about altering old photos. I love getting funny old photos from the antique stores, so I scanned these three and altered them just a little with my justjohanna stamps. If you've been to my 2peas gallery, you've seen them already, but here they are again, just for fun:
For some reason, I am totally getting into watercoloring. I've always been interested, but afraid to try since I'm not very artistic. I've been sharing my quest with Cindy at work and come to find out, she's doing the same thing! We went to Mickey's Art Store in Escondido today at lunch time and bought some stuff. We will be going back there again since she has such cool stuff! I'll share my progress with the painting as we go along. Right now I'm just sketching my little heart out.

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Not very crafty
My astrological moon must be in the house of uncreativity these days. I've sat down at my craft desk and nothing happens. Not a thing. Where is my muse? I'll just let it be and get back to it when I can. I miss playing with paper and stamps.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July
Today was such a great day. It totally made up for the past two days with the really crappy stuff with home repairs and bad, bad, BAD repairmen. I won't go into it mostly because I'm sick and tired of talking about it. Remedy is on its way!
It was hot, but not horribly hot today. I let Gizmo go outside. He's supposed to be an indoor cat because he's declawed. I didn't declaw him, he came that way from the people we got him from. Here he is lounging on the back patio:
Oh yeah, I did some crafting last night. Did some stuff with my justjohanna stamps. You'll have to check my 2peas gallery for those. Also, I added a photography album to my 2peas gallery. I put in some kitty pics, blackberry pics and some close-up work of some of the succulents in my yard. I love succulents! I will miss all this space for succulents when we move into the condo.
And what would it be without pictures from the ham. No, we don't have a pig. Just Cheeto, a big orange kitty:
Hope your 4th was sparkly!

Sunday, July 02, 2006
Wow, what happened to the weekend??
I can't believe it's Sunday night already. I don't work until Wednesday, but still...
Saturday started out good. Went to the Cupboard and picked up the paper Cat ordered for me. Two sets of the Memory Box paper in the Homespun patterns and one in the Halloween collection, and as Cat would say, "it is too stinkin' cute!" Halloween is my favorite "holiday" so I'm thrilled to get that paper. The Homespun collection is going to be perfect for some of the justjohanna stamps and ideas that I have.
Ok, so after I left Cat's, John and I went to the Padres game at noon. It was sooooo hot! I lasted until the 7th inning and then hung out in the airconditioned Padres store.
I got crafty last night. I cut up my watercolored paper that I made. Here's what the whole sheet looks like on 2peas:
I cut that sheet apart and started making some cards and ATC's. Here what they look like:
It's a start. I'm learning as I go along - with a little help from my PCMB friends. Awesome!
Sunday. Went to visit Mom. She's doing great. This next week is her last week of work for the entire summer. She's excited about that. She's never had a summer off before. She said she's only going to work about 4 weeks a year "just for spending money". Hahaha! Spent the afternoon at Mom's over in Encinitas and it was a gorgeous day. We had a great time.
Tomorrow is another day and I can craft all day. Well, in between loads of laundry....

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